Exciting times: my first guest appearance on a blog other than my.pearl! For Vera Bradley's blog, insidestitch, my mother and
I were asked to style a bag of our choice for how each of us would wear it. A fun experiment for Mother's Day! While I went
for bright jeans and quirky accessories (like fredflare heart sunglasses) my mom went for leopard print flats and her classic
aviators! I thought her look was very anthropologie while I was more modcloth meets jcrew. I truly believe there is no better
fashion inspiration than your mother's closet, so how lucky am I to have such stylish heritage?
I were asked to style a bag of our choice for how each of us would wear it. A fun experiment for Mother's Day! While I went
for bright jeans and quirky accessories (like fredflare heart sunglasses) my mom went for leopard print flats and her classic
aviators! I thought her look was very anthropologie while I was more modcloth meets jcrew. I truly believe there is no better
fashion inspiration than your mother's closet, so how lucky am I to have such stylish heritage?
loved both of your outfits! seriously, I think we'd be hard pressed to find a more stylish mother-daughter duo