Books, pens, text and type... finals week is coming up so its time to stock up on necessities! Besides the usual fresh pack of felt
tip pens, clean pad of paper and pretty pack of sticky notes, I like to keep plenty of coffee and chocolate treats around for
motivation. I honestly believe I learn my best sporting a cute yet comfy outfit and working at an adorably adorned desk! Keeping
bulletin boards of fashion trends and tricks, recent tickets and timeless trinkets provides endless inspiration for every educated
girl. Simply look smart and you'll do smart as well!

1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6
Exciting times: my first guest appearance on a blog other than my.pearl! For Vera Bradley's blog, insidestitch, my mother and
I were asked to style a bag of our choice for how each of us would wear it. A fun experiment for Mother's Day! While I went
for bright jeans and quirky accessories (like fredflare heart sunglasses) my mom went for leopard print flats and her classic
aviators! I thought her look was very anthropologie while I was more modcloth meets jcrew. I truly believe there is no better
fashion inspiration than your mother's closet, so how lucky am I to have such stylish heritage?
There is something incredibly special about vintage pieces. Not just the strand of grandma's pearls or the thrifted waist-cinching
dress, but also those accessories that make their practical use a little less boring... I dream of one day filling a house with such old
school technology like pastel, spin dial phones and brightly painted typewriters! They seem far less daunting than today's touch
screens, mobile apps and tablet gadgets. The style of simplicity!

It's by some miracle already that time of year again, where eggs aren't for omelets and bunny ears are cute rather than
promiscuous. This year rather than being nostalgic for yesterday's egg hunts and easter bunny snapshots, I was inspired by a
grown-up version of the holiday. While flipping through Vogue's slideshow of designer easter bunnies, I realized this Sunday
can be both childishly fun and quite glamorous! So embrace pastel pinks adorned with gold, faux fur, fancy cupcakes and
decadent treats! Happy Easter!